Oct 13, 2015 06:02 PM
Driver: San Francisco is one of the best driving games ever released and now it’s become my favourite driving game. The graphics are awesome, the cars are cool, they handle well and the game play is nice. But the reason it’s my favourite is not down to these factors. It’s all down to one simple thing- Shifting!
The concept of shifting is new to me as I haven’t played the previous Driver games but boy is it awesome! Shifting means that you’re driving one car a moment and then you change from your body to another one and then you’re driving a whole different vehicle. The practicality of this is suppose you are losing a race and the leader is going to take the checker flag. You shift into a car in the oncoming lane and you head straight towards the leader and ram in head-on. He crashes and Ta-da you’re first. Shifting also proves many different purposes in different scenarios
The story of Driver: SF is a bit bizarre. You’re a handsome looking cop with out of this world driving skills. A criminal named Jericho escapes out of prison and you’re trying to stop him but you crash your car and go into a coma. In this coma you dream of gaining your ability to shift and you do police work to stop Jericho. But after a while you realize that all this is fake and then you try to stop Jericho for real in the real world.
The main part in a driving game is the cars and Driver: SF has a lot of them. 140 to be exact and you can drive every one of them. Some game developers cut corners in their games and many times you can find that many cars handle the same way even though they are totally different. But that’s not the case in Driver: SF. Each car behaves differently and in each type of surface they are on. For example an Aston Martin travelling at 290 km/h behaves differently than a Lamborghini travelling at the same speed. Some of the more awesome cars include the McLaren SLR, Pagani Zonda Cinque, Ford GT and so on. It also includes some classic cars such as the Ford RS 200, Jaguar E-Type and many more
The graphics in the game is very good even in the lowest settings. San Francisco has been beautifully crafted and the map is very big meaning that you have tons of stuff to find and explore. The game play is very nice and you will feel to keep playing this game for so long. The final verdict is that this is a very, very awesome game and this should be on top of everyone’s bucket list.