Feb 10, 2016 05:25 PM
I am very religious from my childhood days but not a typical person who goes to temple to worship and pray to god. I believe it is in heart to pray to god. I sometimes do soul searching and while doing the same the book 1000 names of Vishnu came to my sight. I started reading the book and it simply change the way I used to think. Yes, you may think I am exaggerating it but it has definitely motivated me spiritually.
The book states the current scenario of our society and what lord Vishnu wishes to have one. The writer simply wants to change the outlook of people and want to follow an ethical and spiritual path, which people have, forgot nowadays. I even presented the book to my mother as she is ardent Vishnu follower and she was very happy to gain insight from the book. I would say it is necessary read for all those who are true Vishnu devotees and for those also who is atheis