Feb 06, 2009 10:16 PM
(Updated Feb 07, 2009 07:24 AM)
I remember I have this 2 most terrifying fears in my life.First one,was when I had a car accident and 2nd when my daughter had 16 hours ordeal in hospital bed, before and after her operation. I cant imagine myself with broken shoulder for life,much that I cant imagine my daughter dying in severe pain ,dont know if she' gonna make it or not,but thanks God the ordeal was over and she is fine now. While I am still feeling the pain sometimes of my broken shoulder but there's lots to thank God,because my body is still complete. But I will not talk much about my own fears but the word fear itself.
What is fear?
As I tried to consult thesaurus and some friends ,it says, doubts, uncertainties, worries, suspicions,and reservations, while others says," Its an emotion so basic,it affects all of us at every age,level in every culture,races and creed, on earth." Or, its a feeling of anxiety- unpleasant feelings or apprehension or by the anticipation of danger, such as- when some members of the family will go or travel, you anticipate a possible danger along the way either by accident or some unavoidable worst circumstances that may occur along the way. Or the frightening thoughts or idea that causes the feelings of fear- as the thought of what other people will think if you're a failure in your examination,business, career, among the few, or just simply, the fear of seeing a dentist. An irrational fear that may cause a sleeples nights or delimma because of too much distressing emotions, whether the threat is real or just imagination. These are just some of the many examples of the kind of fears anybody may encounter or experiencing for the moment.
Some possible roots or causes of fears :
Have you ever tried asking yourself, the causes or roots of your fears? Have you ever ask yourself, why do you have fears? Or why are you afraid of that somehting or in other way, why you have this or that phobia? As I go along, I would like to mention some fears that some of you and me may have observe that or will affect other people or anyone, in any particular condition or time, such as but not limited to- death; rejections, failures; terrorism, being separated from love one or family, old age, severe illness, strangers, crimes and many others...it could be a never ending list of the causes or roots of fears. And the uncommon fears that others may not be aware of- is the reverential awe or the respect for something or somebody, especially towards God.
As mentioned in the bible in the book of Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fool despise wisdom and instruction." Some may raise their eye brows for this kind of fear. Being in different cultures and beliefs,(and I respect ur opinions and beliefs) so whether
you will agree or not,I have this to say- of all fears, this is the fear that every human-being should not be afraid of. Because this is the fear that benefits everyone from gaining more wisdom for fearing God. For anyone who do not believe in the power of God is like a fool who built his house on the sand and when the rain came down and the strong wind blows, twas tossed by the waves of the sea and the house were washed away.
What could be the possible solution?
Each person's fear are distinctly his own, worrying,distress,suspicion,reservation with the situation, past experiences and trauma. But if we learn to control our irrational emotions,negative thoughts,feelings or control our mind and eliminate delusion,fears could eventually be eradicated. More so, trusting God is another way of refusing to give in to fear or to be over powered by fear. And a perfect understanding and love from our love- ones, family and friends,could be a great help to drives out our fear.There could be more that you know, more than what I have learned and have mentioned, but as far as I am concerned and think of, these are the best I could do to combat fears.
Below are some of the name of Phobias or some irrational fearsthat some people have ,which others may not have.
Althophobia--- fear of the height.
Sexophobia--- fear of opposite sex.
zelophobia---- fear of jealousy.
philophobia--- fear of failing in love or being in love.
Scotophobia--fear of darkness.
Isolo phobia-- fear of being alone/solitude
Arithmophobia--fear of numbers.
Xenophobia-----fear of strangers or foreigners
Venustraphobia-- fear of beautiful women.
Paraskavede Katraphobia--fear of Friday the 13th.
Finaly,some steps for overcoming fears according to some Psychology experts.
Recognized and admit your fear.You can't deal with the problems if you think you dont have one.
Be willing to overcome it.
Be open and ready to work with others who can help you.
Practice facing the situation that causes fear.
Prepare for the panic that accompanies and learn to tolerate the distress until it subsides.
If you reach a period where you feel no progress is being made,don't give up.
Reinforce your achievement by repetition and remind yourself by progress.
I will end my review of fear,with the best solution that I could think of -That no matter what fears we have, and I will reiterate it, "Trusting God and yourself will help us from refusing giving in to fear. Anda perfect love and understanding from our family and friends could help drive out our fears." May this review will be of help or guide us, to understand fears more, and how to combat it. Thank you so much for your time reading my review.
God bless.