Mar 04, 2009 09:49 AM
First of all I assure you, the Heading I have Choosen is not as I wanted but Close to what I want to write( Courtsey : MS Templates). My views are not at all for this "DNA Channel" I have never seen or heard about this kind of Channel. Apology in advance for selecting WRONG TEMPLATE for my REVIEW as Nothing Better was Available.
BCCI could have sent the Indian Team for harvesting big bucks but It was big slap of Mumbai Attack which forced the Honourable Ministers in the Govt to decide against Money. National Pride comes first and money matters come last. The result of proactive sane decesion is in front of us.
I am a regular viewer of TV Channels on News, Entertainment, Music, Religion, Sports. I am not going to analyse all of them but will express my views on NEWS Channels today.
In Hindi, India TV, Start News, Aaj Tak etc. are in similar categorey, struggling for TRPs and hatching huge news out of nothing or every thing Illogical. Repitition of news, long Advertisement breaks and creating sensation are Unique Selling Points for them. Even if you miss them no problem.
Among Good Hindi Channels we have NDTV india and Samay only because they have very intelligent News Readers and content is to the point. They have genuine breaks which seems good and not for the sake of making fool of the viewer or just for the sake of minting money. Here we hardly switch over to other channels I dont know it is due to the attraction of the News Reader or good selection of Ads.
And the Best News Channel as per my Analysis is Times Now. The news about Attack on Cricket was Telecast by all the channels and what I found after scanning through my favourites I found Times Now projection as the most professional and nicely interwoven with facts and figures. Hats off to Aurnab Roy and other supporting News Readers who were there infront of Hotel Taj during 26/11 Turmoil.
Not going into how and why it happened we should learn and start loving ourselves and our country to weed out such ugly seeds and sanitize our countrymen. United we stand to fight against the evil.
And the debate continues.