May 31, 2017 07:36 PM
Country Club Cares
Country Club is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
I am a member of Country club since last 5 years. Its a very smartly design scheme by intimidating the person by saying that this scheme is available only today and they make you pay the minimum charges on the site or you will loose the benefit. and you seeing the benefit just become ready to pay whatever they ask for.
But before going for that there are certain points that they don't mention or mention it so vaguely that you won't consider them of worth. which will later on become a pain for you.
Customer services: They provide prompt services and answer you every question but the customer service is not an important issue here. the issue is hidden charges and the AMC and all that you will be asked for once you make the payment. so before that read all the ifs and but of the contract.
Staff are very good but for that you are paying much more for which you could have more that this.
There are lots of charges that you won't have any idea while signing up for it.
Like AMC nearly 8-9 ks
When booking for the hotel at least morning breakfast is compulsory which costs around 250 per person. means if you are 4 person then 1000 rs per day more to pay.
Then their property are far from the locations to visit so the commuting charges are more to pay.
I also have life time membership but I live in Vadodara where they don't have any property. so I am not able to use any of the services. so I am not paying any AMC.
I don't think anyone should take the membership against the charges they are asking for as for less you can get more with proper bargain.