Aug 08, 2017 12:16 PM
LE TRAVENUES TECHNOLOGY LIMITED is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
Confirmtkt helps users commute by booking tickets within a short span of time. Due to office work and family commitments people these days find it hard to book tickets at the right time. As due to better internet access more people book tickets online so to get a confirmed ticket is challenging. Trains, cabs, metros, buses etc. always offer tickets on first come first serve basis and one has to be quick enough to secure a ticket on time.
Confirmtkt does the same and users can book tickets in advance as per their requirements. It is a better option for office goers who miss their cab quite often, to reach office on time this service can be used as it is available through app. However, most of the services doesn't respond properly.
The layout is unimpressive as proper categorization is not done to various booking options available. Also, their is no layout for real time tracking of cabs and buses. The layout of Ticket Search is inefficient as most of the time it doesn't work and shows an error Source Missing. The design also fails to make a good impression and nothing has been done to make the app realistic and innovative.
There are a list of features & functions available on this platform. Apart from booking tickets for trains, buses, cabs, metros etc. It also provide other alternatives in case there is no availability for a particular service. Users can also check the PNR status, train running status and seat availability in trains. Users can also check trains availability between two destinations and can select trains that is more convenient for them. For trains services this app shows the real time status of a train and it helps passengers to board a train at the right time.
After using this app for a while I have experienced it lacks accuracy and most of the data available through this platform is not reliable. Also, there is no tracking system in place where users can get the real time status of cabs and buses. When booking a cab through this portal there is no surety that it will arrive on time as there is no proper channel to contact the cab drivers and ask them about their location.
Only cab drivers can call to a customer. There have been an instance when a cab was booked but it arrived after an hour and such poor co-ordination always keep passengers in a doubt whether to avail the service or to find an alternative through other providers. So, a big no for this service until they improve their services and provide better user friendly options.