Mar 01, 2009 04:15 AM
Last week in balika vadhu preparing for gonna of sagona; she got early marriage with pratap. This week in balika vadhu there are different colors is found like khushi, pyaar, dokha, sadness, jewlousy, ingnorance, fight and so many...
Dadisa and other character plays a great role. They act very naturally and they all look so cute gourious, and get up sots there personalty.
But I know this show is very watching by most of the people like them. It's based on rajasthan background. It is reality early marriage are orignisated especially on akha teej, Bastant panchmi in most of the rural area of India. They are strong feeling about there values and customs. Today whatever we say our culture and tradition is very unique very fabalous.
In this show where so many people are watching and they a convey the message of andhvishwas. sogona medhi rasm dadisa identfy anandi's friend fooli (which were widow) then she shooted and blaming for her husband deadth. what were fooli's fault she even not know meaning of saadi. She feel very satisfied when fooli left the place. next day pratap deadth body come to there place.
What message director wants to give upon for watching people; As every person has there own thing but so of them maniplute there think accoring to what they saw in serial. Today it is very big reality in our society that widows have no allow to take part in any traditional or any reglious actitives. Many of the place widows conditon are plianful but they have to leave with this reality. Our social aspect are so libral for men. Men have all the rights aftr when his wife dead he got another marrige to satisfied his ego
I feeling that in this case of girl to becoming a widow think her emotions, not to blam anyone. God is great whatever he maniplutes ; we only just fallows, nothing can do. Every person is own life and aims fixed by the god.