Oct 14, 2009 04:58 PM
I had recently approached Citi for a home loan. Their people then call you back for a personal loan and/or a call-off loan with exorbidant rates, stating the advantages of these as opposed to a home loan.
Then once you say .... off, their home loan person will come speak nicely as to how he can help out (whatever interest he says now will have an positive impact due to the earlier calls) - even converting car/personal loans into home loans if you have any.
Then a cheque for 2000 to 5000 is demanded as processing fee made out to Citi N.A. After different departments from Citi shelter will approach you with different stories and by the time you get out of the mess your cheque has been encashe.
Now you neither have a loan nor the documents given, and you've been screwed to the extent of 2000-5000. This is in addition to a 0.5 percent fee which someone else from Citi will demand stating some other bull. Beware of these slick talking crooks.