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It's so funny, I could cry!
Oct 16, 2006 04:13 PM 3452 Views

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When the Citibank JET Airways Mastercard was launched, it was followedby an aggressive marketing campaign, where request for applications could bemade through e-mail or sms. Four or five Citibank tele-marketers called measking if I was interested in the card. I replied yes to all of them. However,no one followed up.

It is only as of now, October 2006, almost 18 months after the launch ofthe product and a long list of incidents, that I have managed to obtain thecard.

After a LOT of attempts in contacting Citibank Credit Card salespersonnel, in July 2006, more than a year after my first attempts to get intouch with Citibank, I was contacted by the Relationship Managerat the MG Roadbranch in Bangalore.

Now, 3 months later, I am convinced that not only is the guy not clued-in abouthis job, he doesn’t even know basic things about the products and services herepresents. He visited me personally in order to receive the set ofdocuments required to open the credit card. I was reassured that the set ofdocuments that he had asked for were complete but he still had to revert to me twice in order toask for more documentation. This not only disrupted my professional work but italso further delayed the issuance of the card.

After this delay, I was promised that the card would reach me within 4-5working days. Unfortunately, Citibank did not meet this deadline as well. I wastraveling on business and hence got the card on my return - three weeks later.When I received the card, it turned out that Citibank had filledin the incorrect JET Airways Privilege (JP) Membership number. This mistake hasnow been corrected and a new card (with the correct JP number) has been issued.But this caused another week’s delay.

Today, I finally tried to access the account online where I was informedthat the issued I-PIN number was incorrect. I called the Citibank Customer Servicenumber in Bangalore,to request for a new I-PIN number. As you know, this can only be issued if Iconfirm my date of birth. Imagine my surprise when I was told that the date ofbirth on your records was incorrect!! I was told that due to this, I would nowhave to restart the procedure and apply for a fresh card!

I am now in a position, more than 18 months after initially trying toobtain the mentioned card, where I still am not able to use any Citibankservices. This sequence of events makes me wonder if Citibank is a seriousplayer! I was looking for a banking partner for my corporate banking needs butwill not even dare consider Citibank after the fiasco of my personal banking.

I was also surprised to see the credit limit if INR 200,000 given to me.It is almost humiliating tothink that such a credit limit would be sufficient for the banking activitieswe need.

I can't believe what I have gone through in terms of time and energy in order to get a credit card! I pity the next tele-caller who calls me ... for any product.... I don't think I will be very pleasant.


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Citibank MasterCard Credit Card