Jul 31, 2006 08:11 PM
Chocolat is a story about love, discipline and needless supression masked in the name of religion.
Set in a sleepy village in France, the movie starts with lilting music and leaves one wondering where the plot will go...
Lasse Hallström is a famous Swedish director who has now made it big in Hollywood. His directorial genius is so apparant in this movie. he directs his real life wife Lena Olin who plays Josephine Muscat, an abused wife. The main story is spun around Juliette Binoche who plays Vianne in the movie. It is very interesting to see how Hallström spins a web of intrigue that keeps you glued from start to finish.
I wont tell you what the story line is cause it's better to watch...but I will tell you that the perfomances by Alfred Molina (Mayor Comte Paul de Reynaud) and Judi Dench (Armande Voizin) are simply outstanding. Even the young priest played by Hugh O'Conor is just super.
The most memorable line to me was when a "reformed" wife beater Serge goes to ask his wife to come back to him and she refuses , he says: ’’We are still married in the eyes of God" to which she replies: " Then he must be blind.’’
In my humble opinion - watch this movie... if for nothing else, watch it to see some mouth watering chocolat.