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A tribute to "Cheluvi"
Dec 21, 2006 06:43 PM 7208 Views
(Updated Dec 22, 2006 12:14 PM)





After reading the review of the beautiful movie Cheluvi. I would like to present a small tribute to this movie. Sorry to all MS readers, as I am not writing any review of this movie here. Please go through at least once to the original review written by another MS member cherylsmith Cheluvi (Beautiful Girl)

to get the essence of the actual movie. It's a token of admiration to the creative people behind this movie. Here is the gift:........

A little Heart

Have you ever noticed him? Every day he waits for the shuttle cab form here to Gachhibowli. A normally clad, doesn’t have any thing noticeable. But for a regular watcher, he is a kind of those who change their dress once in a month and shaves occasionally; carry’s a black colored old-fashioned kit on back, ..god knows what is there inside. His eyeballs are always down, rarely speaks to others and awkwardly lonely.

For new people let me introduce him. He is ParthaSarathi, may be working some where in gachhibowli..don’t know when he returns back, but he takes the cab daily from my place.

I possess a damaged cemented platform which floors the daily-passengers and small asbestos roof-shed which can’t even protect those poor fellows when it rains heavily.

Partha,(I call him Partha,) is here for last couple of months, I don’t know from where he came from. Today I will tell you about him because he is a friend of my little kiddy. OH…Sorry I forgot to tell you about my little kiddy plant.

Like partha I have a little kiddy plant, which was planted properly with barricades somewhere in the past by any Good Samaritan. I don’t know from where he collected this nice sapling, but it charms me with its lively look with favoulous greenish leafs inside the rusted broken boundaries. I like the moment it cheers when my stoppage gets crowded with people at the dawn.

It eats all the sunlight, which I allow through my asbestos pores. My occasional pray goes to rain god and he pours some shower to my kiddy plant. Long Time back, I heard there was a scientist called Jagdish Chandra Bose who said that trees too have life and they are sensitive like human soul. I would like to add that they are emotional too.

I got surprised when I first heard Partha is whispering to my kiddy plant. I know many people who pray to the tree, ties some knots in their branches, do some auspicious things, and write something ..thought partha may be praying for his exam or for some forthcoming hurdles.

My curiosity sharpened when I heard he is talking to my kiddy “hey cute plantee, how are you doing?" Believe me, I saw sparkles in my kiddy’s eyes. Their conversation continued for some time and before leaving Partha smiled a bye to his little friend. Every day they happily exchange few words among them, which I could hardly listen because of the noise of other chaps.

I noticed that my kiddy plant eagerly waits for Partha and gets flourished when he finds him approaching near to this bus stop. I observed one good thing that the other people who used to spit on my kiddy’s barricade also restrained their habit ….may be Partha asked them not to… Meantime I saw that Partha brought a little jug of water for his friend. And surprisingly I never noticed that my kiddy has become a young greenish wonder with lots of leafs…..I could not count. I feel proud when I listen my passengers are praising its youth ness. I owe all my thanks to Partha.

One-day partha came with around 20 to 25 people; all are wearing same T-shirt having some logo at their chest. I understood that they are Partha’s friends. Partha introduced them as his colleagues with my kiddy. He said they have brought few more little friends for my kiddy. I noticed that my little kiddy plant felt great while he was getting the touch of his little friends in his newly flourished leafs. They planted lots of saplings (little new friends of my kiddy) around me with a milky white fencing surrounding each of them. I heard that every body glowed up with joy and Partha let them to enjoy and play with his friend kiddy. I saw kiddy was crying with joy and wanted to embrace partha with his leafs. Let me tell you that, I also started feeling great with my new glamorous look.

So many years passed. Now this place looks like a small botanical park decorated with too many beautiful friends of my kiddy. Every day I get the news of birth of a new baby plant, I could feel their fragrance, sweet tones of the nested birds and their non-stop chatting. Every week Partha comes with all his colleagues and plays around in my small garden and I can hear my kiddy say’s “Thanks my friend”.

Note: This story is also there in my rediff island blog


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