Mar 23, 2019 09:38 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Mar 23, 2019 10:10 PM)
FIRSTLY, if you want to go see this film GO dont let me or anyone review to change your mind its important to make your own mind about it
Captain marvel is the latest marvel stufios film staring bree larson , samuel jackson, clark gregg , ben mendelsohn, jude law, annetee being and a host of others
Personally I am a huge comic book fan so I loved the film from the stan lee tribute at the start q was hooked and a bit teary as well
The film sey in the 90's follows a kree warrrior called vers wiyh no past ( captain marvel) as she get caught in a war b/w the skrull - shape changing aliens and the kree-lots of different spieces of aliean mainly blue through
Bree larson is brilliant as captain marvel her voyage from not knowing her past to discovering the person she was , was fantasic to watch but the film is full of strong women and it just makes it a better movie yeah I know iron man is awesome ant man too, but to finally get cosmic superhero and its a strong willed independent woman is just awosome
in my opinion I love this movie it had a good pace , great songs , good acting, I give it a solid 8 out of 10 .its not on winter soldier but its up there so go in Cinema and watch and enjoy this movie its really a enjoying and legendary film