Jul 31, 2006 10:20 PM
I read the book cover to cover in one sitting while I was a vacationing. I remember thinking that this twisted demented weird yet lovable woman reminds me of someone - ME! :-)
When the movie released, I went with a lot of apprehension. It is rarely found that the movie is better than the book.... this time I was not disappointed. I can't say that the movie is better but it definately does not disappoint.
Renee Zellweger was perfectly cast for Bridget Jones, Hugh Grant did an outstanding job as the notorious bad boy Daniel Cleaver and Collin Firth played Mr Darcy (reminds you of Wuthering Heights!)
The story is about one woman's life long struggle with weight, addiction to cigarettes and being past 30 and single. She finds herself in impossible situations and manages to endear the viewer no matter what.
While you want to sometimes get up and shake her out of her dilusional sense of self worth or lack there off , you don't know wheteher to hug Hugh Grant coz he's so hot or slap him coz he's such a prat in the film. Colin Firth is another one who has played this role so well. He has managed to play a stiff upper lipped Englishman so well!
All in all - this is a terrific movie... watch it!!