Jul 21, 2009 05:24 PM
(Updated Dec 26, 2010 02:08 PM)
I have been known to read books during days, nights, illnesses, exams, floods, storms, weddings, funerals, trips, vacations…. You name it. I have spent most of my life behind books, brows knit in concentration, mind thousands of miles away, blissfully unaware of surroundings around me. ‘Books are my best friends’ would be an understatement for me. Books are ME. Period.
The only roadblock in my path of blissful bookdom has been the exorbitant prices of books, many of which can make any respectable bibliophile go reeling in shock. Then, of course, the guilt factor of spending 400 bucks on books I may never read again. And not to forget the question of storage space for mountains and mountains of books in my home which make other people frown and consequently, violent fights break out since I can’t tolerate anyone saying a word against my beloved books.
No wonder I feel that Bookmeabook was probably granted as a boon to me by the Gods above. I found out about this service while idly going through some blogs and at that time, I did feel that probably it was good to be true. However, now I realize that it is both good and true. Bookmeabook is an online book rental service for Delhi and NCR regions which, once you subscribe to, will send you books of your choice to read. They have several schemes that you could choose from, for instance, I have the Regular Reader scheme, which entitles me to six books a month. Then you also have a casual reader scheme (2 books a month) and a super reader scheme (unlimited books a month).
They all have varying rates, of course, but all of them are reasonable. And the best part of the deal comes now : They will deliver the books and pick them uo from your home. No going anywhere – just stay put and get your books ! Oh, did I say that the best part of the deal had come already ? Well, I did not mean it then. The best part of the deal actually comes now : The range of books is absolutely amazing. Sidney Sheldons, Enid Blytons, Robert Ludlums, Ayn Rands, Erich Segals, Mary Higgins Clarks, Agatha Christies, Ladybird series, Amar Chitra Kathas, Erle Stanley Gardners, all kinds of chiclits, Dan Browns… the list is endless. And there are Hindi novels too ! Incidentally, ‘Pinjar’ by Amrita Pritam was included in my first order. The delivery system is prompt – I got my first order within 24 hours of placing it. The books are in perfect condition and they come packaged in a beautiful red package (not that this is critical but you know the importance of good presentations !) No longer would you see me trudging to the nearest book shop, shelling out thousands of bucks ; No longer would you see me begging relatives and friends to present me books ; No longer would you see me despairing when I cannot find the book I want in book shops. Go ahead. Your favourite books are just a click away ! Charges : Rs. 500 security (which is refundable) Rs. 400 (Regular Reader) : 6 books a month Rs. 300 (Casual Reader) : 2 books a month Rs. 600 (Super Reader) : Unlimited books Time period : There is no specified time period by which you have to return the books. The only catch is that you will not get the next order till you return the last one.