Dec 03, 2015 10:43 PM
Guys! Please buy Z10 only if you are okay with the battery issues. I bought this phone 4 months back and sold it just few days ago. The phone isn't dependable at all. The devices which are coming after the price of Z10 reduced have problems. Even the service centre representative agreed that newer Z10s have following battery issues-
Battery drains very quickly and sometimes even when you are not using it.
It switches off at any random percent of battery.
Sometimes phone doesn't charge with original charger and you have to plug it out and then plug in.
It takes very long to charge the battery.
I was a big Blackberry fan and really love the OS and other features of the phone which are really cool. But what is the point in having a cool phone if you can't depend on it. Z10 can sometimes switch off at any random battery percent. So buy only if you are ready to live with this. The problems may start coming after 1-2 months as it happened in my case.
Another thing that I got to know was that these issues come only in Z10 STL100-1 model which is made for Asian markets. You can Google it and see the faults with STL100-1 model. And almost all of these are facing issues. So be careful. Hope I help people to not waste money the way I did.