Apr 01, 2010 07:47 AM
(Updated Apr 01, 2010 07:56 AM)
In the summer of 2005 tobe precise 1st April, a 13 year old kid joined Mouthshut . Today this 19 year year old youngman with an unusual name is one of the best writer on MS. This lad has uncanny interest in films and his series Fenil’s Bollywood Talk has already completed 93 episodes without any interruption and hopefully he will post the 94th episode today. This deserves a huge applause as he is the only Msian to accomplish this feat of writing a series continuously for nearly two years. I invite you all to join me in making this day a memorable one in his life. As his life revolves around movies, what song he would sing or dialogue that he would use under these circumstances.
1)He falls in love
2)He refuses to reciprocate love
3)He dislikes someone
4)He is forced to do something against his will
5)He is happy
6)He goes abroad and misses his love[just assume that he has a GF ;) ]
7)He is in patriotic mood
8)He is in sad mood
9)He has to propose to someone
10)He is having fun with friends
11)He is watching a movie and the people sitting next to him are disturbing him
12)He is talking about his dreams
The best ones will find place in my review if within permissible character limit. Lets wish Fenil a Very Happy MS Birthday :)