Jan 25, 2018 09:39 AM
8 months back when the construction of my newly made home finishes at my village I purshaed 50lt of berger white primer for home because it is first component which I aplly on walls before paints.my sister's marriage was just 2 months left so I decided to fisnish the pending work quickly.I appoint three painters to paint the house.Initailly they have used berger primer on all the walls then they applied wall putty for wall painting.
Its been only a month since the painting had finished the wall putty started cracking at so many uncoultable palces and when my sister's marriage just a week let the walls took dirty looks but somehow we oraginezed marriage because there is no possibility to paint once more.
wherever the cracking happened the putty is strictly bounded with primer but its primer which didn't sticked on the wall properly.when painters saw the wall they also said that its primer fault.
so I again painted my home which costs double than the previous painting cost and more time consuming.
SO once things on which im very sure about berger paints that they dont have the proper sticing power no dought the primer colour looks so strong initillay but in the end only result matters.
the implementing process of this paint is quite easy and proper guidelines are given on each pack for using it.
Inshort im trully not satisfied by berger paints quality because I have been gone through to much money and time loss.