Dec 10, 2015 12:02 AM
Every one knows who is Bajiroa Peshwa.Baji is a great fighter, who fought over 41 major battles and many others, is reputed never to have lost a battle. Bajirao is described as "RANMARD" a man of the battlefield. Bajirao said to his brother "Remember that night has nothing to do with sleep. It was created by God, to raid territory held by your enemy. The night is your shield, your screen against the cannons and swords of vastly superior enemy forces. " Bajirao was a heaven born cavalry leader. In the long and distinguished galaxy of Peshwas, Bajirao was unequaled for the daring and originality of his genius and the volume and value of his achievements.
Thus the film Baajirao mastani is direcred by Sanjyl lila bansali thats why I hope that in this movie dialog dilivery will so interesting and no doubt that dipika and ranbir singh was superb in Raam lila . Priyanka chopda also a good actress so that thisvl Maratha triangle of love will be interesting the song and music, camera, seen will also great . And this movie wil have romance action some drama and also a historical view. I will go to see the movie .
This is the whole u go.and I will definately reccommend this.