Dec 22, 2015 01:42 PM
Nearly 3 years back, we had to shift our old bulky geyser to first floor, after brother's marriage. That put us in to a situation, where we had to buy a new one, for use at the ground floor.
Traditional type geyser used to take 20-30 minutes to get hot water for bath. In a big family like ours, that could mean, wasting a lot of time. Instant Geysers had become quite common and we thought of buying one. As we usually do, we got advice from our regular electrician and went for Bajaj 1L Instant Water Heater 3KW.
Performance over 3 year period
Good enough. It takes 2-3 minutes usually before water starts heating to a good level. Also, most people feel that its good for kitchen use only. I want to tell them that we are using it for bath purpose for last 3 years. In winters, it can takes up to 10 minutes to fill a bucket with hot water suitable for bath.
Make sure that you let the water flow first for few seconds and then switch ON the water heater. Also, turn OFF the water heater first and then close the water flow to keep your water heater in good condition.
No problem for initial 2 years. After that there has been change of heating element few months back and some minor problem another time. Heating LED will not turn ON when there is a problem.
Overall, its a good product giving good value for your money.
It is small & compact and adds to your bathroom decor as well.