Dec 29, 2015 07:29 PM
I am from Chennai. I am happily writing this review about amazon online shopping site. This is my first time purchase. I planned to buy iron box for my home. I searched in net and checked with my friends. One my friend suggest me particular model of Philips iron box. I searched that model in most of online shopping site. Only two sites have those products in their site.
One is Flipkart and another one is Amazon. As I am regular user of Flipkart first of all I checked with that and added that product to my cart while entering address it showing “product not available in your area”. I changed my native address and my friend address. But I got the same result. Then I come to know that because of Chennai raining season they are not deliver products in tamilnadu on that particular period.
Then I selected amazon it’s very simple to order products and order was successfully completed. Within three days I got the product in well packed and good condition. There is no delivery charge for my product as it crossed the minimum purchase amount(i bought it for Rs.950). I hope I got one more online shopping site in my trusted circle.