8 ball pool is one of the best game I have ever seen. This is online multiplayer game. This is work very good and esay to use.
The concept of this game is play with true pool game with people. You can play with your friends and any another people all over the world.
This game have very good graphics. It gave a true 8 ball pool expirince while playing. It is very good and esay to use.
About the features there is not to good but it gave nice for entertenment. 8 pool ball is given by miniclips company which is very famous.
It is very usefull and very good game to play. It can not waiste our time. It wil gnerate a good gaming expirince.
The ratings of this game is very good. All the people who have downloaded and play they all love this game very much. This is very famous game is andrios.ios and on window mobile.
Accourding to me if you guys want to play a good pool game with great expurince you must try this game. This will game you a better than ever.
I have downloaded this game last year and till now miniclips gave too much updates . I never fill boring while playing this game. So at last I want to say that may id is love dandyan join me on 8 pool ball and have a good game.