Nov 30, 2018 06:15 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Nov 30, 2018 06:15 PM)
Hello. Friends I am going to tell about my experience and enjoyment in paradeep, kamal cinema hall with Robot 2.0 .
The movie is amazing . We tell it in hindi "Paisa wasool film ". The movie which recorded in Bollywood is Bahubali 2 but I am telling that It will be crossing the record of Bahubali 2 . The graphics and sound and visual effects is awesome which can break the Hollywood movie .
In starting of movie a man which is going to hang in the tower pool . In this movie 2.0 you can see a lady robot whose name is Neela . The mobile phone tower fly and vanish in the sky . The mobile phone are attracted with each other and made a big bird in the town .
To solve this case arrangement a big meeting of scientists and minister, police etc . Wasikaran recommend them to activate "chitti". But fore more danger they don't look about chitty .
After a big matter minister permitted to wasikaran to activate "chitty". Chitty obey order of wasikaran( Rajnikant) and save people from danger which is arrise .
The dangr whose name is panchirajan as before he was a doctor . He loves birds but more number of telecome company for earn more money . They leave radiation so that to live by bird is more dangerous .
As before for live bird they compain telecome minister but they didn't listen .
Atlast he hanged out on a tower pool . He died but soul creates a dangerous .
There are more twist in theater and go enjoy .
Thank you .