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Member Since: Feb 19, 2022
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Address: , Gurugram, Haryana, 122002
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Hi lavanyampathania26,Kindly accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.This is certainly not the experience we intend to offer to our customers.We request you to kindly provide brief information about the inconvenience faced along with AWB number for the shipment to further investiga...te into the issue and assist you with best possible solution. Read More
Hi ak5076699,Kindly accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.This is certainly not the experience we intend to offer to our customers.We request you to kindly provide AWB number for the shipment to further investigate into the issue and assist you with best possible solution.
Hi bhavinimrathod,Kindly accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.This is certainly not the experience we intend to offer to our customers.We request you to kindly provide AWB number for the shipment to further investigate into the issue and assist you with best possible solution.
Hi vishalsodhi92,Kindly accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.This is certainly not the experience we intend to offer to our customers.We request you to kindly provide AWB number for the shipment to further investigate into the issue and assist you with best possible solution.
Hi sujoybipu,Kindly accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.This is certainly not the experience we intend to offer to our customers.We request you to kindly provide AWB number for the shipment to further investigate into the issue and assist you with best possible solution.
Hi narinderpal951,Kindly accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.This is certainly not the experience we intend to offer to our customers.We request you to kindly provide AWB number for the shipment to further investigate into the issue and assist you with best possible solution.
Hi alimalaniaci,Kindly accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.This is certainly not the experience we intend to offer to our customers.We request you to kindly provide AWB number for the shipment to further investigate into the issue and assist you with best possible solution.
Hi samsunginvoices,Kindly accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.This is certainly not the experience we intend to offer to our customers.We request you to kindly provide AWB number for the shipment to further investigate into the issue and assist you with best possible solution.
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