Mar 19, 2016 12:44 PM
This product will surely disappoint all the music lovers as the quality of the product as well as the quality of the music is not good. I bought Zebronics mupic beats -blue for 1.3K from snap deal. I could straight away disliked many of the things like the ear phone was not giving good quality sound. Sometimes it feels it hurts the ears.
It lack the bass and the effects of the background music cannot be differentiated. Other than that few of the things I noticed after using it were the non removable battery which does not log for more than 1-1.5hrs after charging it for 4hrs. It is like better to listen with the player always in charging mode.
It would be better not to waste the 1300rs rather than add 1000 more and get a very good quality of Sony Walkman player which is known for atleast a decade for its music.