Feb 07, 2008 04:15 PM
Wikipedia is the only website which provides information on any thing in this planet and beyond. I use wikipedia to know and learn things which I dont know. And more over wikipedia is a Free Encyclopedia where any one can view and edit and share there knowledge. The competitors like britanica and encarta from microsoft are not useful for those who dont have money to pay. but wikipedia is free and there slogan itself is knowledge for every one.
Any one can edit wikipedia. just register on the website and you can edit and share your knowledge. Registration is simple.
There is a website where we can see who edited the topic in wikipedia. it is intersting. they will list the ip address and place where the editing is done. the url is https://wikiscanner.virgil.gr/
wikipedia contents are available in most regional languages.
some useful websites of wikipedia are
https://wikitravel.org. this website will guide you where ever you go. you will find most useful travel information here.
https://wiktionary.org/ this website is a full fledged dictionary
https://wikiversity.org/ this website is a virtual university. where you can join and attend virtual classes of the subject you like.
do you know wikipedia ranking at Alexa is 9. that is wikipedia is the 9th most visited website in the world. Yahoo is No1, Google is No 2, Orkut is No 10. recently there was a news that wikipedia is going to start there own search engine. will google will be out ?. Every one loves and use this wonderful website. Do you ?