Jun 30, 2023 12:35 PM
Hi All,
I frequently travel abroad, I had a postpaid VI commection, I genrally pay 5-10 thousand rupees in advance, now the mess
I was in Corporate scheme
Vi Changed my plan without informing me to higer monthly plan,
when I checked my bills, my amount was getting lower fast,
I called the customer care, then I came to know thwy changed my plan that too without intimating me and the sad part is they dont know who changed it
I surrendered my connection and asked them to refund my balance amount in Sept 2022
and this is the reply almost after a year
On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 4:30?PM wrote:
Dear Avinash,
Greetings from Vi
I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
I am glad we could connect on your given number 6239377XXX earlier today.
I would like to summarize your concern regarding the cheque reissue-related issues for your Vi number 98691223XX.
I request you to allow us some time, you will receive the refund within 15 to 20 days.
Thank you,
Vi Appellate
Diksha K
My question is will they wait for a year if I dont pay the Vi bill?
Avinash Lewis