Aug 25, 2015 11:34 AM
(Updated Aug 25, 2015 12:44 PM)
An Open Letter to Narendra Modi
I'm writing this letter to highlight an incident that occurred in Veer Savarkar English School in Shivaji Nagar, Mumbai, that puts our entire education system to shame. Nandita(name changed), a student of Standard 6 stopped going to school because the Vice Principal of the School repeatedly punished(a case of corporal punishment) and belittled her in front of her class for not paying her fees. Its encouraging that her parents, who hardly make their ends meet are running from pillar to post to arrange for the fees and many have come ahead to help them, but the incident has dented the child's confidence and her desire to learn.
The most appalling situation in a democracy is when a child is denied access to education.This is the reason why our constitution upholds every child's right to education and the RTE 2009 enforces the right. Moreover 25% of seats are reserved in Schools(except minority institutions) for poor children. I'm disappointed to inform you that a child's access to her one way to achieve social mobility has been cut off just because she did not have enough money to pay her fees. Moreover the treatment meted out to her by the School Authorities might have psychologically dented the child's drive to attend school. While your policies and schemes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao aim at inclusion and access to education to girl children, their ground level implementation is suffering due to apathy from such school authorities.
Please take appropriate action against the concerned authorities, so that the same thing does not happen to any other child in future.
An active and aware common man