Dec 23, 2015 10:13 AM
(via Mobile)
(Updated Dec 23, 2015 11:33 AM)
This seems like just another take on the vampire-werewolf-human story. A girl moves to a new town to kive with her father, all the attention makes her feel even more out of place, then she notices a mysterious guy and is magically drawn to him. This guy who first acta like a jerk and then is super sweet to her, starts to turn up at places and look out for her until finally admitting that he is a vampire THAT SPARKLES and also can read minds except hers.
And well, the love story begins with all the works of bad guys and action and all of that. The forbidden love, framed and written for teens in a very unimpressive way. Yes, this series is one of the most hyped about in the world, but honestly its nothing special. The storyline is the most predictive ever. The way words have been used is probably the best thing about it. The book is good for a one time read if you are really bored and just need a break from everything. It doesn't touch your heart unless maybe some moments. Not a book you can keep coming back to or stays on your mind for a long time. It's just another teen fiction.