Jun 12, 2015 03:28 PM
Dear all,
This is just an information to avoid "De-space Interiors" who had taken me on a roller coaster ride throughout the execution of our flat interior. You might get impressed with the work the designer does but beware that you would hire her at a heavy cost of losing your peace of mind/money, etc. We hired her even after receiving slightly bad reviews from my friend's friend but we simply got impressed with the style of work she did at a few places of people I am aware of and thought of giving her a benefit of doubt. I must say, it was our biggest mistake.
Following are her basic properties:
Swindler - At the time of Initial discussion/commitments/cost estimation, etc. only, she will keep you unaware of many things so that she gets the scope to cheat on you at the time of final billing. She might commit you something on charges and at the end, she will try to manipulate her commitments giving you some junk references cum background to her commitments. We kept the record of every communication happened between her & us but in-spite of showing her the records, she denied on her made commitments and charged unreasonably. It was very painful for us.
Unprofessional - After starting the work she hardly visits the sites & the work being carried out there. Due to this, at many sites including my flat, things were done reversely & incorrectly. She provides hand drawn design sketches to her carpenters where things would be difficult to visualize to you and to make carpenter understand. In between the work any changes decided will not be conveyed to the carpenters on time due to which either carpenter has to redo the work if it is done already or he has to keep waiting for her clearance. In such scenario, if you want your works to be done correctly either you only have to follow up with her or the carpenters or you simply should forget that you have assigned/hired a person to get the job done. No blame game afterwards. Whatever is executed, that's the final and would be acceptable to you.
Pathetic coordinator - The biggest mess is her poor coordination with her entire team. She will tell something to her carpenters, they would understand something else; work will be executed entirely different from the projected designs. Once, everything is done, she will try to convince you that this is the same design what was proposed to be executed. You will feel like breaking your own brain & cursing yourself to hire such an irresponsible & careless interior designer that too at a heavy cost.
Harsh(at times though) - She is very much responsive as long as you are discussing about the interior designs but she will not like your suggestions/modifications or you will have to put hard efforts to make her convince to get the job done as per your wish. It’s really surprising & disheartening that after investing your own money you have to bag someone else to do it the way you want it. Don't be surprised if she misbehaves with you, if she loses it.
Money Minded - She is extremely greedy and eats money from each & every possible way i.e. from materials/civil & Electrical works(modifications)/electrical materials/Painters, etc. Charges for each & every work related to civil/electrical, etc. are just double & highly unreasonable. In the bill also, at various stages payments, she will miscalculate & would ask you to pay more. If you don’t notice the mistakes, you will end up paying more and at the last it will be difficult to get your money back as these people know how to fool the customers.
Above opinion is based on my personal experience & feedback received from my friends prior to my work started. I would not recommend her even to my enemies.