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Forget distant places for good vacation, the best
Sep 08, 2012 10:02 AM 7873 Views
(Updated Sep 08, 2012 06:12 PM)

The best place to enjoy vacation during holidays is the home place you live.

Why home place is the best for vacation.

There is inferiority complex in each of us to consider the place we live cannot give us the perfect joyful feelings and enjoyment that outside place which are distant from our place must be good for vacation. Majority never enjoy vacation holidays. I'll prepared, lack of money and lack of time will never be good for having vacation this i mean on distant places.

1 how can one have enough time to spend and enjoy if the place is distant from home place.

2 middle class to rich to working people cant really have time and money to have good vacation if it is

To visit distant places.

3 my suggestion the best place to stay is nearest hill station, nearest city, nearest forest, nearest zoo, nearest to nearest from twenty kms to one hundred kms, is enough.

4 where financial constraint is absent one can travel a wee bit distant say from one hundred km to even three hundred is enough.

Why 300 km.

When we travel to too distant places, it causes anxiety at home, and all at home will be worried on happenings, when you travel a distance of upto 300 the too distant feel is absent and at home will be the factor to enjoy.

When beyond 300 and upto 1000 km.

I have started saying home place is the best for good vacation, but those who had enough for years, they can really venture even one thousand and even two thousand km from their home, more one has got good experience of travel for them distance doesnt matter, when one is too far, there is this chance to travel by

Air also, airtravel is next door travel covering even more than two thousand km in india.

Travel all the time, itself makes one to not to feel home sick.

Home sick takes place where persons like me who never go far distance frequently for such persons home is sweet home, but those who are rich, adventurists and love life, they have all type of choice to find newness by travelling beyond common distance travel.


1 carry lot of books, it is not easy to find good books during travel, borrow from your friends telling them

You are going for a vacation and they will gladly lend old books, be carefull not to find any insects, it bites.

2 in vacation it is really worth to carry tons of home made fast iteams that is too tasty, this helps to save

Lot of money, home made chips, chakkli, nippattu, rava ladu, mixed chili iteams etc.

Dont forget to carry enough shaving blades.

Not only shaving blades, tooth paste, extra tooth brush, it is better to throw the rotten old tooth brush, one should never carry the stale tooth brush, used tooth paste and of course soap also.

Lots of soaps, tooth pastes and extra tooth brush.

Many times our mouth may smell for want of not carrying tooth brush, this i am very sure where friends in large numbers in one vehicle travel, in this case it is better to gift to those who smell, be given a new tooth brush and of course tooth paste too, it is a must or else all the time during the travel you feel like avoiding not to sit next to her or him.

Mouth freshener too.

This is also as much essential commodity as tooth brush and paste and soap, mouth freshener is needed to use for ourselves and for the person who sit next to us, some carry all type of smell from their mouth and enduring them in weeks of travel is a great mishap hence my suggestion is mouth freshener using and talking about the good points of it, will give a firm idea for the one who smell, to spray inside his mouth.

Spray gallons into his or her mouth so for weeks they will smell pleasant.

Have enough towels.

Carrying one bath towel is really nasty, it becomes so dirty and not washed and repeatedly using it day and night it looks like floor washing dump, hence it is better to have two more spare thick towels instead of thin.

Thick turky towel is best.

Thick towels is really mulitusefull. Why mulit let me elaborate, during our travel, we dont keep properly dressed some wear half pant, short skirt, they can place on their

What is my point.

4 since india is blessed with hundreds of place of visit, where is the need to go for distant place.


Slow and steady makes happy feel.

The moment a place of interest comes stop and ease your feelings, take a carpet spread it next to the car door, so anything that falls from the car falls on the carpet and one should be carefull of strangers who may steal the mobiles to anything kept on the seats, now look out the hills, the open field and the cattles grazing and passing villagers what ever it is, now the time is to take hot tea or coffee with bites of snacks.

Car or hired bus or big vehicle whatever.

The type of vaccation i am suggesting suits to be it nuclear family, husband and wife and two kids, two pairs families or number of couples the suggestion is same, when more no of couples are there, let there be two couples for each car, otherwise it is boring, also exchange the seats it is a great fun to interact with other families chatting, singing in the car is a lot of fun.

This type only brings heaven feel.

All have one thing in their mind, feel the newness of outdoor from the home, the ever smile feel towards others in the group, if it is just one couple allow the kids to play so near to the place of sitting on the carpet.when we sip hot tea or coffee, we can forget time.sometimes instead of continuing the car driving, a feel of to take more nap may arise and it is nice even though travel from home is not even two hours since.

Dust the car.

Yes it is nice to clean the car by taking a washcloth, put water on the front glass and feel the brightness and gleam feel, let there be freshness feel each time one of the member is taking rest on the carpet, open the bonnet so engine will cool, cool you too become of.

Silent hills.

Any place in india is rich with hills, viewing hills, small hills to rocky hills each brings us a feel of diffrentness.

Passing cars.

The type i have suggested will bring curiosity for each car dwellers, some may be known to you or they have seen you, sure they will stop and love to talk to you, are you in vacation and they know it too, but they will be too happy to accept the hot tea, which you have plenty and also the snacks you have in dozens will bring water in their mouth and give them enough, they will love to sit next to you on the carpet, i wish to join with you the one you know, and why not right now ask them, they may turn their car, tell them we have enough fresh towels and eatable to the place they may also like to join with and my god, they may even worry on money.

Don't worry yar we can give enough money too. When off hand some one you like i mean couples or single or two, what a great event is it not. To be offered even money, no one will say no at all, even if they have million work at home, to join with the persons from the same town or city is more than a treat in life, just accept it, me will never say no.

Some more tips.

I think this review subject is ever inspiring feel for me, because our life is short but to enjoy life under the nature and with those who are known to us for decades, if they are good neighbours or next home dwellers the gossips to sharing each others daily life style seems so alike, you feel we are living under a same roof, this means there is life more than one can think when they are known.


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