Apr 01, 2019 11:26 AM
I had read and heard of the story of violent killing of Australian Missionary working on the tribal villages of orissa when I was in school. This incident happened in 1999 and after two decades, the story is shared through the lens of a journalist. Cast and suffering from a diseases controlled by the head of village is a great concern as there is no one to either show the way or treat. Many propagate this is due to the curse as per the belief system. This movie is about an missionary, working with the leparacy patients, treating them and due to the false perception of conversion gets killed along with their sons. The widow then forgives everyone with a big heart.
The key take aways are
Perceptions are built with some intentions:
Although there could not be any evidence of this missionary converting the tribals, however the perception of the powerful to sow hatred stated through false perception. Verify the perception before believing
Use the Words carefully:
The tongue has power over life and death; The words have power to motivate or kill.
It takes big heart to forgive the killers.
Although the movie could have better scripted with good narration to get interest.