May 21, 2007 03:33 PM
There are all types of horror movies. But
inevitably the main USP remains the audiovisual impact of palpable
fear, terror, violence and gore. Needless to say, it takes a gem of a
plot and fabulous screenplay-rounded off by an exceptional director
to produce a masterpiece. In fact this very subtle balance
of art goes into demarcates a classic. If the balancing is not done
skillfully, the horror theme becomes downright cheap,
sickening and repulsive- And that is precisely what'The Hills Have
Eyes' sequel is. This flick is so crass, that its not even worth writing about. I wonder what kind of sick immature brain got an equally idiotic production company
to actually sink money into a stupid, revolting and cheap film like this
If you are still raring to go, here is the synopsis in a nutshell:
National Guard trainees somehow get trapped on a derelict atomic test
site. Soon the gore-fest and gut-spilling starts in graphic details-
bodies disappear. Bodies are devoured by sickly and gruesome beings
that stalk the valleys like ghosts. Ironically these appalling
creatures are mutated humans who used to work in the mines and had
refused to give way to nuclear tests.
The screenplay evolves around how these mutants prey upon the
unsuspecting group. There’s no dearth of disturbing violence,
mutilation, blood, rape, dripping brain matter, and ripping torsos
apart—all terribly graphic, obnoxious and cheap. In fact it is
absolutely repulsive right from the word'go'. Below average star cast,
poor acting, weak plot and immature direction have simply upped the
woes for worse.
You may recall other senseless chopper running films like Texas chain saw massacre, Jason goes hell series and the like-The bottom line is-if you think yourself to be sane and mentally
sound, and of standard tastes as befits a normal person, You don't want
to waste your time agonizingly amid the sewers of a slaughterhouse do
you? Unless of course the prospect of seeing human skulls turned into
Sloppy Joes with brain matter for mayonnaise excites you! Because that
is exactly what'The Hills Have eyes-2' offers. This is that kind of a flick -the ones you'd rather avoid even if you're being treated to a free-show cuz you sure have meaningful things to do.