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## Is Tess a Pure Woman ? ##
Jul 18, 2011 07:32 PM 15700 Views
(Updated Jul 18, 2011 08:07 PM)



When Tess of the D' Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy was first published, it caused a storm. Many people found the sub-title(a pure women) of the book offensive. They did not understand how Tess could be called a pure woman when her sexual and criminal guilt were beyond dispute.

Main Characters of Tess of the D' Urbervilles -

Jack Durbeyfield(Tess's Father), Joan Durbeyfield(Tess's Mother), Tess Durbeyfield(Heroine), Angel Clare(Tess's Husband and true lover), Alec Stoke-d'Urberville(the villian who rapes Tess)

Plot Construction- It is admitted on all hands that Thomas Hardy is a successful maker of plots. His novels have got a well knit plot.They are built admirably and well. Like every other drama or story Tess of the d'Urbervilles admits of three divisions namely the beginning, the middle and the end. The middle of the novel can be elaborated into the three sub-divisions of the conflict, the climax and the denoucement or falling action. The present is built on the epic pattern. That is the novelist concentrates on the life story of a single character named Tess.

Defects in Plot(Minor) - It got certain improbabilities in it. There is something psychologically improbable about the sleep walking scene. Reader shocked when Tess surrenders her soulless body to Alec. Why she stabs Alec when she has gone over to him. Inspite of all these things Tess of the d' Urbervilles remains a masterpiece of Thomas Hardy.

The plot of Tess of the d' Urbervilles deals with the tragic story of a beautiful woman named Tess who is forced to sin by a man she hates, and is cast out by the man she loves.

Now lets discuss the Title of the Review

Is Tess a Pure Woman? -

Tess's Physical and mental Exhaustion - On the journey home on Alec's horse after the fight with one of her companions, Tess is in a state of physical exhaustion. She is indescribably weary. She had risen at five o' clock every morning of that week and had been at work the whole of each day. She had dreaded him and succmbed to adroit advantages he took of her helpness; then temporarily blinded by his ardent manners, had been stirred to confused surrender awhile; had suddenly despised and disliked him, and run away. That was all.

No surrender of the Heart or the Spirit - Mrs Durbeyfield(Tess's mother) reacts in the natural way to Tess's sad experience; , ' Tis nater after all, and what do please God!' Sex is a natural activity, and Tess is a child of Nature. We see her growth to womanhood, her'luxuriance of aspect, ' and fullness of growth'. Throghout the novel Hardy emphasises the neutrality or innocence of Nature. Nature is neither benevolent nor malevolent. Nature is not a force for good or the evil. In this sense, Tess is innocent.

Mentally and morally stainless** - Purity is of the spirit, and with a spiritual refernce, the word'pure' may be unconditionally applied to her. Whether morality be of the mind, or of the heart, or the both, there cannot be two respectable opinions about Tess's morals. She is as moral as any prude.

Well that's my opinion what you say?


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Tess of D'urbervillis - Thomas Hardy