Jan 04, 2013 11:28 AM
First of all, Happy New Year guys!!! A good beginning to the year is auspicious and that’s what everyone is looking forward too. Last year saw an array of brainless comedies which really stepped up the gas in our box office and culminated with another huge no brainer (no brownies for guessing that – but I did like it to an extent) and in between we have had wonderful concept movies too which really made us sit back and praise Indian cinema and to say the least, I crave for such movies and I wanted to see more of them this year and to say the least Table no.21 gives us just the beginning I was hoping for. In a single sentence I would describe it as “A ride on a amusement park you don’t know and cannot expect anything but at the end of each turn you will want to go back on it again till you’re exhausted”.
The trailer of the movie had created quite an excitement among movie goers and did look like a movie with an out of the box subject and suspense enough to keep the excitement getting higher. A beautiful couple gets invited to an exotic vacation to Fiji. Little do they know that it is going to end up into a bone chilling thrilling experience of their lifetime where they’ll have to play a series of sick games to fight for their survival and all that for entertainment!!! But there’s a huge catch of a mouthwatering amount of cash. But will they win it? Only time will tell. It’s a competition of guts and wits where one lie can mean death which ironically reminds me of ‘Sach ka Saamna’ which is anchored by our beloved hero. Once you begin, there is no way you can turn back. With so much cash invoved, our couple, like all inherently greedy humans is tempted to play the game with an anchor, who is no less than a freaking puppet master who will keep you intrigued till the very end. No spoilers!!! You cannot miss this movie it’s that good but take caution if you suffer from heart ailments because there are many heart in your mouth moments.
Rajeev Khandelwal and Tina Desae play the couple, Mr and Mrs. Agasthi. Wonderful performances from both the leads. They look beautiful, their chemistry is top notch and their act of desperation, fear, excitement really gives the movie a heads up. Rajeev Khandelwal in particular shines with a steallar performance. But the show stealer as always in many of his movies is Paresh Rawal. His villainous act in the movie is refreshing to say the least. He potrays the role of a sarcastic, willy and sadistic villain to an extent that is sure to leave you awed at his versatility. And the climax is good enough to leave you in a state of shock for the rest of the day. Paresh truly has the gift of a rare art : Comedy with a villainous zeal with an apt amount amount of sarcasm which seems to have become his forte. Watch this movie for Paresh’s performance, you will not regret it.
The direction, screenplay and the script has been really good if not great. The plot does tend to get a little tedious in parts of the first and some parts of the second half. The camera work is somewhat edgy and the story might seem a little unrealistic but we can forgive that because it is an intriguing one which is sure to keep you’ll to the edge of your seats to the very end. You are bound to go through the same emotions as the characters in the movie and that’s what makes this movie a must watch. And talking about unrealistic scripts, how many have we had in Bollywood, barring a few that I can count with my fingers. The songs sequences has been wonderfully captured but barring a few the lyrics seem mediocre but the timing of the songs seem to be perfect, an art Bollywood has long forgotten. So kudos to the team . The cinematography is wonderful and Fiji is such an exotic location, I am jealous of them.
Verdict – The movie has paved the way for a very good beginning this year and I would like to see more of them coming. It’s is a like a reality game show, you may like some parts of it, you may dislike some but it’s is sure to keep the excitement alive throughout and it is an out of the box concept. Thus becomes the first must watch of 2013.
Comments and criticism are welcome,
Thanks and Regards,