Dec 25, 2015 12:03 PM
Rotten Tomatoes is really good website to evaluate a movie before watching it.They are really genuine reviews by the users.They are much better than the biased reviews on TVs and magazines.Whenever I want to watch some movie, i always search on the Internet movie Db and rotten tomatoes for the ratings.From my experience, i should say Internet Movie Database(ImDb) have more accurate ratings than rotten tomatoes.
The overall rating on rotten tomatoes is really high for every movie.Looking in rotten tomatoes alone my give you a wrong idea about the movie.Rating is one thing and reviews are another.Rotten tomatoes are better in reviews than Imdb.Their critics reviews are outstanding.But the problem is that many of these reviews will reveal the plot by a big margin.In my personal recommendation do for Imdb for ratings of a movie and go for rotten tomatoes for reviews about the same.