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Oct 07, 2012 08:34 AM 2186 Views
(Updated Oct 07, 2012 07:58 PM)



I used to read a lot of love crap in college, but somehow have lost that ardor for reading, ever since the Net entered our lives. Though, I do swish through the magazines, at parlors, unfailingly. When I see the numerous ‘Book Reviews’ on MS, my heart twinges inside, & I wish I took could have the ‘patience’ to read a book & write a review on it. Well, they say, ”GOD, does open some door for us, when we go Knocking”. So I read a book today, Well…not exactly a ‘Book’ like our Intelligent MSians here read..but maybe for ‘Starters’, I’d say, I made a beginning today with not so much of a book, than a “Magazine” though !!

Wat do U expect from a dumb Cat yaar ?? hehehhehe!! Anyways, it may be called a ‘Digest’, but it sure bowled me over & Cattie is now a ‘Reader’s Digest’ Fan. Gawd !! can I see, some of our “Intelligent”, MS Members here, fainting with shock !! hehehehe!! So let me tell U, I really loved this Digest & it seemed to me, something like those “Salad Blogs”, I write on MS. A Mixture of Everything. Maybe cause I Luv “Variety” !! **Still I pray my vocabulary & intelligence increases & one day, I wish I would be able to write Cerebral literature, like our wonderful Book Writers here. Kindly accept me into the Book Reviewer’s Circle (bottom floor) hehehehehe!!

READER’S DIGEST – A 90 year old publication,  started by the ‘Wallace brothers’ in 1920. From health to home, money to food, family, travel, work, holidays & humor,  Reader's Digest focuses on simple tips & time-saving insights to help make life become easy & fun, providing its readers with a mass of knowledge on all topics under the sun !! If any of you have not tried it, “Please Do !!”, The Annual Subscription charges are about Rs 960/- but its, given at a discounted price to members for only Rs 549/-. Imagine 12 Informative, Enjoying, Knowledgeable magazines at approx Rs 45/- per month !! Catch this month’s issue & Gift an Annual Subscription (with the forms inside), to your family & friends. Well I’m doing that right away, to Mom & Dad.

Wat a Variety of articles !! Let me go through U, with dis October Issue. The Cover Page itself is enuf to motivate you to read on…Its Says “It Pays to Complain”. Now just today I remember reading a blog of Domino’s home delivery stuff & I think, if we find something wrong or affected by someone wrong, we Should bring it Out to Light for others to read & be careful. Read Mohan Sivanand, the Editor’s Page on this, gud piece of advise to consumers.

Going on to “Quotable Quotes”, a common man’s space for his own Quotes. The best one being “Confidence is 10% Hard-Work & 90% Delusion” ?? Is it ??

Then we come to “Here & Now”, which tells of the latest ‘Going On’s’, like this month’s “Diet Goggles”. Hehehehehe!! Wat Else will they think of ??Then there’s the ‘Books’ U shud be reading, some briefs on each of them.

Then there’s “Ask Laskas”, the Commonsense advice offered to readers. Read about the ‘Quiet Husband’, & the hilarious advice given to the ‘worried wife’.Then we have “@ Work”, jokes which will have you smiling for sure !! A CA using his calculator to dial a number !! hehhehehe!!

A section called “Outrageous”. Did U know that now “people” offer themselves to “Test Drugs” developed by pharmaceutical companies ?? It’s a roaring business in US, I saw the same on ‘Two and a Half Men’ serial. Gawd !! how Scary !!

Bittu Sahgal talks on “Greenheart – The Most Dangerous Species”. Can U believe ?? We ‘Humans’ are the ‘Most dangerous species in the World’ ? Wat great content !!

Then we have “Quirks”, all about dieting & differences between men & women. An interesting line here caught my eye – “Skipping 10 desserts causes you to lose 1 kilo, while eating 1 dessert, causes you to put on 2 kilos” ?? Said to be only explained by ‘Quantum Physics’ !! Gee !!

I picked up a gud tip from one of the Ads published here. To keep your kitchen fresh & clean smelling, dig a cinnamon stick in a half lemon !!

A nice article by Christopher Middleton, called ‘In My Opinion’. He’s a noted UK journalist & human behavior expert. Where readers are asked “If their jobs, get more efficient, without face-toface contact?”. I’d say “Yes”, cause if I don’t have to see my round Bong Boss’s face everyday, I’d be working more happily !! hehehhehe!!

This one’s the ‘Best’, called as “Word Power”, reminds of our “Great in Vocabulory MSians” , I’m sure they will win this effortlessly. And guess wat?? I made a sentence with my fav word here “Panache”. “Our Big B, has a cool Panache”. !! Howz Dat ??

I luved the “Li’l Smarty Pants” page, the Kiddies Jokes !! A girl leaves a note for her mother, which says “Mom, I promise to study maths daily*” & turn the paper over & it says “Offer valid for limited period. Terms & Conditions apply”. Whew !! Kids Today !!

A lovely article on ‘Vienna’. Another interesting piece on ‘Taj Mahal’. Then again a break for Jokes called “Life’s Like That”. Hilarious !! and U even win a cool 1000/- for your Anecdote here. A short story on George Haley, ‘A Man who Wouldn’t Quit’.  Then don’t miss this one, “Masters of the Universe” & Guess Who They Are ?? “BACTERIA” !! What a Amazing piece of Knowledge, a ‘Must Read’ for everyone.

Another good Med Advice from Doctor’s on ‘Vitamin D’, called the “Sunshine Superstar”. Hey guys BTW, please get yourself checked up for ‘Vitamin D’ deficiency, its on the Go in Mumbai, with our AC homes, to AC cars & AC offices !!

A lovely heart-warming story of “The Ape Mother”, a woman who has dedicated her life to caring for baby animals at the zoo. Read on about how to raise ‘An Ape’.

This one article really made my day with the ‘Incredible Advice’…Its says “If U are feeling DOWN, all U gotta do is TO SING”. Wow !! Like exercise ‘Singing’, supposedly releases ‘Endorphins’ in our body wich is called the ‘Natural Happy Drug’ !! And I’m sure Everyone here on MS, Strongly Believes in That. Ask our MSians, Music Lovers.

A shocking article on ‘Paris’…………did you know with all its Wealth & Fame, it also lurks with ‘poverty & crime’ ?? Then there is “Mednews”, the latest updates from the world of medicine. Another interesting article for women in their late forties. Amazing Knowledge !!

Again another Jokey page called “Humour in Uniform”.  A cool picturesque view of Mexico & its fields of ‘Marigold’ flowers. A real great Bonus read in a story “Caught in a Trap”, interesting read for the ‘Action Lovers’.

And last but not the least the “LAUGHTER is the Best Medicine”. A real Rib Tickler here which goes like “I was busted for plagiarism at the University. The lecturer said that I had copied my essay straight off the Internet. It’s a bit hard to talk, your way out of that kind of thing, when halfway down the first page of your essay, it says “Click Here For More Information”….ROFL !! Too Gud Yaar !!hehehhehehe!! Imagine someone writing ‘that’ in an Essay ??

Oooh Yaar !! I really had a ‘Fill’ of Information, Facts, Knowledge, Stories & Jokes today !! Hey, hope U are now ready to get up & get yourself a copy of the ‘Reader’s Digest’. It sure is a way to Digest Life !!



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