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World's Best Anti Virus : Quick Heal
Apr 14, 2007 04:05 PM 36859 Views
(Updated Apr 14, 2007 05:29 PM)

Features & Functionality:

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Value for Money:

Quick Heal antivirus with its proactive and reactive technologies ensure complete protection from viruses, Trojans, back doors, worms, macro viruses, and other malicious programs. It detects viruses from floppies, pendrives, portable attachments like PDA/ Cellphones and other latest digital storage fads that synchronise with your PC. It protects your Internet downloads, e-mail attachments, networks, intranets, shared files, CD-ROMs and on-line services, heals infected PCs and provides continuous protection. Simple, easy and one click solution for virus problems.

Omnipotent Antivirus:

In my entire career as an MIS Administrator I have never found any Anti Virus Solution that is even half effective as Quick Heal. Quick Heal is available for range of Windows platforms from desktop to servers. Quick Heal does detect and repair all in the wild viruses. It cleanse even already infected system absolutely. When our Chief Systems Consultant Mr. Vaibhav Maheshwari who also happens to be the COO of  Madhyam Network, a rapidly growing and credible computer consultancy based in our State, first told me about Quick Heal, I did not realize it's potential. And today I myself am an ardent QH supporter. It's all capable.

*Future Proof Security:

*It’s not only quick, it heals very effectively. It is the only antivirus that is capable of eliminating viruses from an already infected system. Quick Heal Anti-Virus Plus 2007 is a Next Generation anti-virus protection for your PC. It combines proactive and reactive technologies to ensure best protection from today's viruses. Quick Heal has a powerful and an optimized scan engine which makes virus scanning fast and easy. Quick Heal with its award winning VB 100% and Checkmark certified virus scanning engine prevents virus infection from email messages, networks, Internet downloads and shared files. No doubts QH is the only AV capable of offering you a absolutely perfect and future proof computer security at a very affordable price.

It also provides a robust and real-time protection against viruses. This protection runs on the system and scanning every files operation. It scans access requests and allows the operation to proceed or denied it if a virus was found(or other limitation). Virus definition updates are released constantly. This product has regularly passed the stringent test of Virus Bulletin and achieved VB100% award for 14th. time in a row. It operates on DNAScan technology that identifies any strangest virus by detecting its program-genes.

*DNAScan Technology:

*A breakthrough technology to outsmart all kinds of Spywares, Trojans, Bots, Spywares, Riskwares etc. A signature free technology not dependent on Upgrades to detect new malwares. It looks at the genes of the program to discover if it has any malicious intent. It quarantines such potentially unwanted programs and cleans the system from all its traces. It also has option to automatically send these harmful programs to our research labs for further analysis.

*System Requirements:

*All Platforms, from desktop to servers. Even it is Linux okay. Recently it was declared most successful on latest Windows Vista.

*Quick Heal Messenger:

*Quick Heal Messenger will provide you free subscription till you own the license copy. Quick Heal team uses most unique and secure way of communication through Quick Heal Messenger. You will get virus alerts, update notifications and lots of tips and information online that will keep you updated with today's fast changing e-world. All this without using e-mail communication, since many viruses sends mails as if they are sent by anti-virus company or vendor and it may lead to infection. Quick Heal Messenger is the safe and secure way by which we keep you informed and up-to-date. It can also be configured to gather messages from network system. Thus enabled Quick Heal Messenger  receive messages on the network workstation, where Internet connection is not available.

*Automatic Quick Updates:

*Quick Heal provides Quick Update Scheduler which configures your copy with latest updates. Updates are released on regular basis. It updates silently without any user's intervention or restart. Incremental updates make updating process easy and fast. Quick Update Scheduler can be configured to update your copy over remote network drives, which makes it easy to update all PCs in a network.

Microsoft Authenticated Partner:

QH is one of the topmost Microsoft Antivirus Partners. Visit the link and read it yourself:

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Quick Heal Anti Virus