Apr 16, 2018 08:33 PM
I have been using this shampoo from past eight months and I really like it. I dont try many shampoos but as I heard from many of my friends about this product so I tried one bottle. I felt the texture of my hairs gone more smooth and the dandruff is also going easily. A hair cleanser or a shampoo must be enriched with good qualities, which can provide nourishment to your hairs and scalp. It should be able to clean dandruff form scalp and provide relief from itching. Also the fragrance should be soothing,
After cleaning my hairs with this product I felt I should continue using this, and now I can see my hair fall is also less. I will recommend this shampoo to others as it is a natural product and has lesser chemicals in the product. It is enriched with all herbal things like, Sapindus trifoliatus(Ritha) Acqua surfactant base, Sugandhit dravya etc. I have observed there are plenty of options for shampoos but some of them can damage your hairs and scalp due to added chemicals. So one must be careful before trying any product and patanjali shampoo is available in a sachet also. It means you can easily try it, instead of buying the bottle use few sachets and if you like the product you can buy the bottle. It is available everywhere and is reasonable also.
I use it two or three times a week and now my kids are also using same shampoo. But only one thing which I do not like about this shampoo is that its very liquid y and it should be of creamy texture. When you press the bottle the liquid flows very easily which sometimes waste.