Mar 05, 2018 08:31 PM
I have bought this dictionary since 5 year s back. it is uses for us in daily life .we work at different places, we need English to communicate and write in English for some times then we find difficult about some words and we did not known even the meaning also at that time dictionary is very important to us . it is essay to carry to any place. oxford is better than all other dictionary . it is best than all other dictionary
Using of oxford it has many uses they are;-
we can find meanings for many words and also we learn that whether the word is preposition, verb, noun etc .
for example;-you have idea about whether zinc meaning is a blue white metal.
it is essay to understand and we can learn English very simply manner at home or in any place we can learn 19, 000
British and american words explained in easy language13, 000 examples help you use the words correctly
400 illustrations and photos explain difficult words 16 colour pages include topics such as food and drink jobs and clothes 16 study pages cover skills such as telephoning letter writing and everyday conversation we can learn every thing from it it is a good dictionary