Dec 13, 2015 12:22 PM
Good food and little care is essential for the health of teeth.
A healthy and beautiful teeth will surely increase our confidence when we laugh.
#Avoid over eating of sweet foods.We must surely wash our mouth after eating sweet foods.
#Use a straw to drink juice and other drinks.
#For better whiteness and avoid bacteria from teeth use toothpastes containing fluorides.
#Avoid habit of biting nail with teeth.It leads to chipping and breaking of teeth.
#Avoid using the same toothbrush more than 3 months.To reduce the hardness of bristles dip toothbrush in hot water.
#Don't try to open bottles with your teeth.
#Surely wash your mouth after eating Apples, Carrot, Pop Corns etc.
#Avoid using toothpicks, as it creates negative impacts, leads to the damage of teeth and gum.
#Brush your teeth everyday morning and night after food to avoid enamel damages.
#Brushing of teeth immediately after food is not good.Try brushing after half an hour.
#Read the instructions and directions of use on the bottle before using any mouthwash.
#Wash your mouth once in a week with vinegar before brushing.It will helps to reduce the yellowish color and stain.
Have a Healthy Smile with a Healthy Teeth
Thanks & Regards
Rakesh Bose