Apr 09, 2024 01:29 AM
(via Mobile)
(Updated Apr 09, 2024 01:33 AM)
NARAYANA HRUDAYALAYA LIMITED is working closely with MouthShut.com to enhance customer satisfaction.
I had typhoid but they were giving treatment for covid. I had very little cough and my reports were saying i had typhoid still a moron sujith ms was giving me swine flu antibiotics. In 2 days they given so many antibiotics. It is big paragraph of antibiotics. They taken out somehow fake covid report and didn’t tested typhoid. I took forcefully discharge and went somewhere else for treatment.
When i took forcefully discharge there duty doctor comes and said if you are going against our advice your cashless insurance will not work you have to pay in cash.
After 2 days they sent me a report saying you have typhoid take medicine from a clinic.
They hidden my report of typhoid such a fraud people they are.