Aug 19, 2009 06:29 PM
(Updated Aug 20, 2009 01:04 AM)
MouthShut Official Cares
MouthShut Official is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
There times when things can be very disappointing. Especially with a public write up.I've been trying to upload this for the last few days and faced all kinds of technical issues.
EMotuh pad keeps sending e-mails saying that topic is accepted. But when I do a search, I do not find it anywhere. Funny I am taking all this trouble while there's no payment for the post I contribute.
Most of us contribute for the sake of others. IF anything helps them in a buying decision its worth it. We give free service. But we'd expect a smoother transition at least.
Well, I don't know what to say. Mouth shut often surprises me with terrible goof ups. This is no longer an article as only 25% of it was loaded. I informed Jasmine about the technicalities. Well You will fine the net-book/notebook buying guide under the header net-book, note-book or ultra- portable. I have given a reasonably informative write up there to help you make a purchase decision.
Kindly look that up for relevant guidance if required. Since Mouth shut has not understood the significance of keeping a'delete' option, I can not delete this .The inconvenience is regretted.