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Very contemplating stories written by R K Narayan
Feb 13, 2017 11:28 AM 30136 Views



Malgudi Days is a  collection of short stories written by the famous Indian Writer- RK Narayan.

The stories are all in and around the place Malgudi.

Those were the stories whcih are included in our School literature syllabus also. Especially included in the subject of Value Education( A subject in which its book contains such valued stories which have morals attached to it and is mainly meant for the Children).

The Stories:-

I will only like to mention the stories that I personally felt, were right

  1. The Astrologer's Day

A story wherein a man who does not want to become an astrologer and due to poverty, becomes one. and he is then successful with his job of fooling others. And the most intersting part is when he fools his very Rival, which he killed( as the astrologer assumed), when he accidently meets him. So this was interesting.


The Doctor's Word:-

Dr. Raman, well known dostor, believes in being straight forward to whatever he says of the patients. In other words he would never beat about the bush of the condition of the patient either it be worse or improving. Now as such happens that, his best friend is the patient, and he sticks to his belief and said what he was supposed to, after he found the condition getting worse. And Ironically, the Best friend, out of nowhere, survives. Happily  even the doctor is dumbstruck.

  1. The Blind Dog:-

In this there is a blind man, who comes in contact with a stray dog and further feeds him and trats him well. So the dog does his faithful job. But the Blind man, even after getting much money in begging, used to mercilessly treat the dog. But still the Dog was very faithful, he feared not and stayed with his master. So one day he is made to run away from the master, he does run but again unexpectedly returns again to the same master. This was the story worth contemplating.

  1. Forty five a month:-

A story about Shanta, a small school girl who has a reluctant father, Venkat Rao, who works very hard that he is unable to give time to his children. He is not able to keep his promises that he does to them. And then he realises his mistakes and finally indulges more time for his family, and that is a happy ending.

There are many other stories worth reading too such as'Fellow Feeling', 'The Snake Song', 'Attila' and many others.

These short stories brings a broad smile on your face, you feel good and peaceful

So this makes you feel good, there are muyltiple mixed feelings that add to the interest of the reader.

Special feature of this book is that you cannot predict what comes next, which makes the plot of the stories much better for the reader, and he gets more keen and excited to complete the story.

All the drawings are made by the very famous R K Laxman. His illustrations are worth expressive, very praise worthy efforts put by him.

Various stories of Malgudi Days are telecasted on National TV Dooddarshan, in the form of episodes.It was in the sunday afternoon that they were viewed(i hope I am not wrong). Those were also interesting. These episodes were directed by Shankar Nag. Very elaborative Cinematography.

I always loved the flute hummings of the theme of the Malgudi days. I still like to hear it though.

My Opinion:-

The stories displayig the characters is very praise worthy, the description displayed by them is explaining you the whole plot, and what you are supposed to extract out of it. If you find this review interesting, then you will surely feel like reading this book. If not for you, then maybe for your siblings or for your kids or you As a parent.


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Malgudi Days - R K Narayan