Apr 26, 2016 05:07 PM
(Updated Apr 26, 2016 05:09 PM)
Maggi is the very well known company in India from few decades because It is available in every home in India.especially Girls are the Big Fan of Maggi.Maggi is the Product of Nestle Company which is situated in Switzerland.Nestle is the Biggest Food Company in the World.
As all we know the controversy of Maggi which recently boomed in India because of the excessive quantity of Lead & MSG found in the Maggie Noodles Samples after that government banned Maggi in India.Lets talk about the Maggi Soup it is available in Veg and Non-veg Also.Just look at the Ingredients then decide whether you have to eat or not.
Deadly Ingredients.
Dehydrated Vegetables, yeast extract powder, acidity Regulator, Flavor Enhancer, Corn Flour, Sugar, Salt, Edible vegetable oil, thickener, vegetable fat etc.
you will say whats new in that all these Ingredients is available in all product but have you ever tried to find what exactly this Ingredient is? No we Indians never bother what's Inside because we go for the taste which is most weak Point of Indian's.
You know why Packaged Soup's Color is same always.Company use Coloring agents for the uniformity in Color of the Soup and this Coloring agents sometimes don't even appear in tests because of Flavor enhancer.Coloring agents are Poison for liver and Kidney.yes it is true just because of this chemical liver and kidney work more harder to remove all this dirt from our body and hence overwork of this organ's leads to dysfunction.
Yeast Extract Powder increases the bad bacteria in the body which decreases the Immunity of the body means decreased the power of body to fight against various diseases.
salt is the another main culprit in every packed food.it is available in all the packed food in very high volume and manufacturer never tells how much salt quantity is added in the food.
High amount of salt is very bad for High Blood pressure people and also you can suffer from
stomach cancer and liver disease.if you ate then make sure you decrease you salt intake throughout the day.
Corn Flour is contain in almost all packed soup in high amount.Corn flour only has calories in huge amount and there is no Protein and other nutrients is available in it.so the people who want to reduce weights should avoid it.excessive intake of corn flour can also leads to Blood Pressure or cancer.
Preservatives which is almost in all packed food and there is also negative effects of it our body in the form of Breathing problems, behavioral changes, heart Problems etc.
Dehydrated Vegetables is added to the food for increasing health benefits but its not fully true the Nutrients lost while dehydrated Vegetables comes in contact with heat.
I reviewed only few Ingredients there are also many more ingredients.so please guys don't be blind and just run like a fool behind taste.this negative effects are long term effects.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables avoid this type of packed foods.you can have it once a week or month.Hope so guys you will find my review helpful, thanxxx