Feb 19, 2016 08:53 PM
Frustration is the only appropriate GIFT you get from LIC. Of course, the main culprits are the agents. First of all, they show the clients the fear of death or getting handicap. Then they pull out their weapon the latest policy and prove to you the benefits. Somehow, they convince you that you don't have any better option but to get the policy.
All's fine, what they don't tell you is the hidden rules and regulations laid down by LIC, to turn your claim down in case you go for the claim in the event of unfortunate death/ accident/ medical issue. All these witty and confusing rules are written in a language not understandable to common public and with a font size readable only with a magnifying glass.
This is their Modus Operandi since 60 years.
A sincere URGE and WARNING to every sensible Indian citizen. Don't fall prey to LIC.
Stay Out.Stay Safe.
P.S: Have much more to talk about LIC. Next review shall follow soon.