Karachi bakery is one of the finest bakery in town simply because of the taste and the quality of the food they provide at really affordable price.
They have huge variety of food stuffs right from cakes and pastries to the tasty fresh biscuits.
You will always find rush in this bakery specially on the weekends but still they manage to take our order and give quickly.
I liked the manchurian puff as they were properly cooked and spicy and proper arrangements are also made to sit and enjoy food.
They serve wide variety of biscuits I liked the pista biscuits and cashew biscuits.
Masala bread is another variety I liked here.
Mango cake and pineapple pastries are also worth trying, they are yummy and the quality of the cream and cake was good.
I prefer this bakery because they give fresh food and the quality of the food is great.
The cost of the food is decent and affordable, though famous they have not raised the price.
I would really recommend others this bakery due to the quality of the food and the price in which they provide is amazing.