I am sharing my personal review on the IRCTC website.
It is official platform to book railway tickets online. One can get E ticket with ease by making payment online and in minutes one can get that.
It saves lot of time and effort as it is very encumbrance to get railway ticket through counter.
I have booked so many tickets online. I have encountered a problem once when my ticket was not booked and money has been deducted from bank. Although I have complained about it anf=d got back my money. Whole money was not refunded as transaction charges are not reversible.
Earlier it was very slow site and it becomes very difficult to book even one ticket. Now it is improving gradually. It has launched a Android App also. In it booking a ticket is very easy, it seems like booking a movie ticket or recharching a phone through app.
Although it is improving yet it has very wide scope of improving available.