Aug 09, 2016 11:10 PM
The school is a vertical building right amidst residential society. When you are going to trust your child's education(infact not just education but their future) with an organisation, you expect them to be atleast responsible, sincere. Unfortunately, this school is about making money and doesn't understand these terminologies.
I visited the school and asked for detailed fee breakup. The admission officer promised to send it immediately; then she said if not in a few minutes, it would be sent by COB that day. However, a fortnight has passed and nobody has responded, this inspite of me sending a gentle reminder requesting the information.
they probably would have provided the information if I had paid the admission form money. they are solely after making money and business. What do you expect the school to teach your children when they themselves are so callous, indifferent, irresponsible, unaccountable and useless attitude? That perfectly sums up what this organisation is all about.
Unfortunately, writing a vision and mission statement doesnt make you great, it is the core virtues of the organisation which makes it great. and in this case, the organisation is a ig void without any values and only after easy, quick money.
stay away. Doesn't deserve a 1 start rating - that too is too high for this useless organisation.