Mar 02, 2011 01:45 PM
Movies have a great role to play in deliverance of a message, a thought and certainly play a very crucial role in our society. Hyderabadi Movies try to bring forth the local talent with a theme people can relate to... I have seen the movie Angrez which was a good family entertainer… Gullu Dada Returns also was worth a watch... Berozgaar wasn't good.... It was not worth penning a review... So I didn't :P
On friday (25th Feb) I watched the first day second show of the movie Aisi Ki Taisi...
The makers tried their best in adding Drama, Comedy, Songs but sadly it resulted in a disaster... The comical aspect was added without a reason... Something which wasn't required... The item Songs did no good... They are vulgar which are embarrassing to watch with family :P
The movie is based on the trend that was followed in the 90's...
The Sheiks (Arabs) used to come to India to marry for the 3rd... 4th time... and the parents of the Indian Bride didn't really mind, as they felt this is the only way out to improve their financial condition... The makers failed to realise that time has changed... People now are consciously aware of the repercussion of engaging in such a blasphemous act.
The movie begins with Charminar, personalised to speak the plight of the people and the experience of witnessing it all, throughout, for ages now.... The hero of the movie is introduced chasing the goons, his name is Hyder Hyderabadi who is an auto wala by profession... He is in love with a girl whose name I don't remember... Hyder isn't courageous enough to speak to her father and this result in her accepting the proposal that comes her way... Hyder who holds a good reputation in the girl’s family is also engaged in the engagement work.... In a discussion the girl's family is shocked to hear the Wants of the groom... and this call for the end of the engagement... Hyder is delighted...
The focus now is on a marriage broker, she is more like any saas bahu's wicked character. She is assisted by an assistant and they are a great help to the Sheiks who come to India to Marry young girls... She often visits the Niharika24's family much to the dismay of her father...
The Broker ends up fixing the wedding of the Niharika24's friend with a Sheik... After experiencing the life abroad the girl returns to India and expresses her unwillingness to go back to the Sheik... The Broker insists on her returning which results in her committing suicide by jumping from where? Yes Charminar...!! The Police gets to know it all from the suicide note and now the Society is warned not to be trapped by such Brokers...
A Sheik who was quite impressed by the young Indian girls comes to India with his two assistants (two dwarfs)! The Broker has no option now but to show him an album which has the photos of girls.. Whom did he like? The Niharika24...!
Meanwhile... Hyder with the help of a neighbour send a proposal which is immediately accepted by the Niharika24's family... And we get to hear a pathetic song...!!!
Police is informed about the Sheik and they immediately rush to arrest him... Before this could happen he escapes.... He runs hither and thither... The white robe he wore attracts a lot of attention from the Police and our Hero who is also trying to get hold of him.... The Sheik gets to experience life in the city but the harder way.... Now he changes his attire .... He ends up near The Niharika24's house, the father who is a kind hearted man notices him weak and hungry, offers him food... The Sheik questions him what's the reason behind people hating and chasing Sheikhs in the city... He gets the clear picture of it... The next day he leaves the house leaving behind some money at the door step... (Money from where? He sells his ring!!)
The wedding is now arranged... and there comes the Police to arrest Hyder alleging that he has kidnapped the Sheik... The Sheik happily gets up from the seated crowd and delivers a moralistic speech and there ends the story....!
Terrible Editing : There are a few unnecessary Scenes/ Characters added….
An old man who plays the role of Neem Hakeem moves around the city giving tablets for no good…
A sales girl, Pichkaari who is a skimpily dressed is the attention seeker of the goons…!
Thank God it's over... Writing a review on such a story is also a torture...! :P
Thanks for Reading!~~
Have a Great Day~