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Jun 24, 2008 07:16 PM 13057 Views
(Updated Jun 24, 2008 07:20 PM)



Shoe Weight:


Blah blah blah- a man's shoes talk a lot about his personality- blah blah blah blah NO MORE!! NO MORE!!

I will straight come down to one of my fetishes**- SHOES-

The more I have

The more I crib for

*And every one else wears a better pair than mine

Every time I buy a wrong pair

Not the pair I liked most

But I end up buying what the sales man thrusts on me

Ok chill next time I will be more careful

But when it will be the time I buy the one I liked most

Today the time had come-well almost-but darn I lost it again!!

I haggled about quality and **looks

I haggled about the **warranty and longevity of pairs

I haggled about every pair of shoes I saw in the showroom

What this, what that; what if I buy this what if I don’t buy that

What if I end up buying a wrong pair?

Is this one casual or a semi formal?

Can I wear this with my suit?

Oh this one looks like for everyday use!!

This is not exactly tan!!

So what color of polish I should use

Now after the color of polish ascertained

I came down to longevity part

Is this LEE COOPER? And this one is an ID?

Now here I see MB!!

Are these three from the same group?

Ok so why there is so much of price difference?

Ok show me the first pair I saw again

Oh may be the tenth pair I saw was better

Ok ok don’t give me cold looks I will settle for this!!

I was happy the day I own a pair I like most has come!!

I will make it to full use. Without any barriers

Darn with this salesman

I wont listen to him I will listen my heart

Ring ring….oh its my phone Oh hi Aditi

Yes yes we have sent you the design

Oh yes your feedback? Err no blue?

Ok ok no playing with the LOGO?

Ok ok the girl should change?

Ok ok color should be changed?

Ya ya it will be done…

Yes yes. I assure by tomorrow


Haan haan….yes…. yes….. yes

Oh sure not a problem!!

On no you are not irritating me please!!

Ya ya sure sure

It will be done!! Yes Aditi I am listening….

Ok err ahem oh ya ye count 50 more Yaas, OHs and Errrrs!!

Call over and phew!!

*Now where is the shoe I chose?

*At the counter sir- the billing already done- smiles smiles!!

But I liked the other one!!

Oh no sir this one is better- a **LEE COOPER

*And you see sir you are wearing the same!!

Yes yes!! but I wanted a change this time!!

Oh sir billing already done!! You pick both!!

Darn with salesman…he again managed to force me with his choice!!

I pick the bag…and leave heavy hearted

*Oh GOD this was not the day again?

Again NEXT TIME? Phew!!

But the point is friend you can buy a pair of LEE COOPER

Being hooked to your phone or your eyes closed, or sitting at your office desk

Because each pair of them has it’s own unique style statement

So don’t bother what you will end up with…it will be better than others

But the review says about ID? Never mind they are from the same group buddy


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